Author: Sophie Lindsey

nCS2 Protein Aggregation Application Note

Protein Aggregation

Nanoparticle analysis of protein aggregation

Spectradyne’s microfluidic technology enables detection of any nanoparticle type!

The Spectradyne nCS1TM employs a novel implementation of the resistive pulse sensing method (MRPS) to count and size nanoparticles quickly and with high resolution. Sizing precision of ±3% is typically achieved, with measurement rates up to 10,000 particles/s.

“Submicron protein particle characterization by Resistive Pulse Sensing results in high size resolution and provides an estimate of particle counts, thereby, provides better insight into particle size distribution compared to the traditional light scattering techniques.”
G.V. Barnett, J.M. Perhacs, T.K. Das and S.R. Kar, Submicron Protein Particle Characterization using Resistive Pulse Sensing and Conventional Light Scattering Based Approaches in Pharm Res. 35, 58 (2018) doi: 10.1007/s11095-017-2306-0
A publication from Bristol-Myers Squibb

Protein aggregation

Spectradyne’s nCS1 delivers two significant advantages for detecting aggregates in protein solutions: First, individual particle measurements (no ensemble-averaging) deliver accurate size distributions in highly polydisperse samples such as these. Second, the non-optical electrical detectionmethod ensures that protein aggregates, which are low-index contrast materials, are accurately represented in the distribution.

Particulates in parenteral drug development and production have always been a serious issue. In biologics, the issue is compounded by reported impacts of aggregates and particles on the product’s efficacy, safety and immunogenicity. FDA regulations strongly recommend in-depth characterization of the identity and quantity of particles in protein therapeutics.

While regulations require measurement of larger particles (>1 μm), it is desirable to detect and characterize protein aggregates long before they are that large. Crucial decisions about formulation, processing, storage conditions, etc. must be made with an eye towards minimizing protein aggregation throughout the drug life-cycle.

Spectradyne’s nCS2TM

Spectradyne’s nCS2 is ideally suited for accurate quantification of submicron protein aggregates. The figure below demonstrates the power of the nCS2 to quantify protein aggregation in real world samples. Five formulations that had been stressed to varying degrees (0, 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes) were provided by a large biopharmaceutical customer and analyzed “as received” on the nCS2 – no dilution or additives were required. The range of concentrations measured by the nCS1 spanned over four orders of magnitude in this instance. The quantitative results clearly show that increased stress causes more aggregates in this formulation.

Spectradyne’s ARCTM

Spectradyne’s ARC combines the MRPS functionality of the nCS2 with a fluorescence detection capability, allowing the fast and rapid detection of fluorescent tags combined with the accurate sizing and concentration measurements provided by microfluidic resistive pulse sensing (MRPS). This adds an extra dimension to your nanoparticle and protein aggregate detection capability.

BioLector Microbioreactor

Spectradyne’s nCS2 enables earlier detection of smaller aggregates

BioLector Microbioreactor

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nCS2 Virology Application Note


Virus Quantification using Spectradyne’s nCS2TM and ARCTM

We’ve used the ARC to quantitatively measure the fluorescent labeling of adenovirus, using the ARCTM particle analyzer. These measurements were performed in a complex heterogenous sample, as described below.

The figure shows simultaneous particle sizing using MRPS and quantitative measurements of fluorescence, measurements made of EVs and adenovirus both together and in isolation. These data, which are discussed in more detail in this application note, demonstrate that the ARC quantitatively measures nanoparticle size, concentration, and internal payload fluorescence for virus and nanomedicine applications, and accurately analyzes fluorescent subpopulations, even in complex, heterogeneous samples.

BioLector Microbioreactor

Accurate Viral Titer in Minutes

Conventional methods for quantifying virus such as live biological titer can take days to return results. The modern fast pace of research and current examples such as COVID-19 necessitate faster measurements. Researchers in many areas of virus research including basic virology, gene therapy, and epidemiology are looking for more modern approaches for measuring virus.

Spectradyne’s nCS1TM and the fluorescent-detecting ARCTM deliver accurate viral particle counts in just a few minutes using microfluidic resistive pulse sensing (MRPSTM), which in the ARC is coupling with particle-by-particle fluorescence detection. The technology is fast, easy to adopt and employs disposable microfluidic cartridges for analysis — and it only requires a few microliters of your precious sample for analysis.

nCS2TM key features for virus quantification:

Total virus particle count in minutes

Disposable analysis cartridges — no laborious cleaning

Only uses 3 microliters sample required

The ARCTM adds individual particle fluorescence, with fluorescence quantified using NIST-traceable standards.

How big is your virus?

Virus come in a large range of different sizes and shapes. Some, such as the hepatitis and parvovirus, are roughly spherical and less than 50nm in diameter; some, such as the virus that causes Ebola, are long flexible cylinders with lengths as large as 1 μm; and some are spherical and of intermediate sizes, in the range of 75-300 nm in diameter.

In the figure below, we display a chart showing the size and shape of a range of different virus (chart obtained from Expasy).

BioLector Microbioreactor

Spectradyne’s nCS2TM can measure particles such as virus down to diameters less than 50nm and up to 10 μm in diameter. Contact us today if you’re interested in finding out more.

“We eagerly purchased Spectradyne’s current MRPS technology for the value it delivers in therapeutic retroviral quantification. We have been impressed with the results it delivers and how practically it fits with our industrial process flow…”

Better science

For measuring the infectivity of viruses, testing the immunogenicity of different viral preparations, and almost any down-stream analysis, accurate virus concentration measurements are critical for performing well-controlled experiments.

A retroviral drug product was serially diluted and the concentration measured as a function of size showing the excellent concentration linearity of the nCS2TM:

Serial dilutions of a retroviral drug product accurately quantified by Spectradyne’s nCS1TM.

More and more researchers are choosing the nCS2TM for virus quantification because it is fast and easy to use and delivers a more accurate analysis of their virus samples than they can obtain using any other method.

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Biological Information

Characterisation solutions for Serum

Cell analysis of serum using cell size analysers and zeta potential analysers provides detailed information on cell population distribution and surface charge. This technology aids in understanding cell interactions, stability, and behaviour in serum, crucial for applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, and research in immunology and cellular biology.

Dynamic Light Scattering

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) technology analyses cell size by measuring the scattering of laser light caused by particle movement, providing precise data on cell size distribution and aggregation.

Zeta Potential

Zeta potential analysis of serum uses electrophoretic light scattering to measure the electrical charge on cell surfaces, providing insights into cell stability, interactions, and aggregation tendencies in biological samples.

Analysing Serum in Research

Analysing serum for research involves measuring biomarkers to uncover insights into physiological processes, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets. By examining various components, such as proteins, hormones, and metabolites, researchers can identify correlations, track changes over time, and validate hypotheses. This detailed analysis enhances understanding of health and disease, contributing to the development of new treatments and advancing scientific knowledge in biomedical research.

Case study

A research laboratory based in the UK aimed to investigate the thermal-sensitive rheological behaviour of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. Understanding the viscoelastic properties of BSA at various temperatures is crucial for applications in biotechnology and pharmaceutical formulations. The laboratory employed Dynamic Light Scattering Microrheology (DLS Microrheology) using the BeNano 180 Zeta to achieve this goal.

The UK research laboratory successfully utilised Dynamic Light Scattering Microrheology with the BeNano 180 Zeta to measure the thermal-sensitive rheological behavior of BSA solutions. Highlighting the instrument’s capability to provide detailed and precise measurements, significantly advancing the understanding of BSA’s viscoelastic properties under varying temperatures. The insights gained are invaluable for optimising applications in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Instruments to support the analysis of serum

Applications to support the analysis of serum

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Biological Information

Why cell characterisation is important in virology

Cell characterization in virology involves analyzing cell morphology, growth, viability, and susceptibility to viral infections. Techniques like nanoparticle tracking, interferometry, and zeta potential provide critical insights into host-virus interactions, aiding in the development of antiviral drugs, vaccines, and understanding viral pathogenesis and replication mechanisms.

Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)

Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) accurately sizes and counts viruses in solution by tracking their Brownian motion, providing crucial data for virology research, vaccine development, and understanding viral behaviour in biological fluids.

Nanoparticle Size and Concentration Analysis

Nanoparticle size and concentration analysis of viruses assesses their dimensions and quantity in solutions, essential for virology, vaccine development, and studying viral dynamics in biological environments.

Case study

A British-owned R&D laboratory aimed to optimise the production process of lentiviral vectors, critical for gene therapy and vaccine development. They integrated the Myriade Videodrop, a microfluidic-based platform for nanoparticle analysis, to enhance efficiency and quality control.The platform utilises microfluidic technology to measure size and concentration based on light scattering.

“Integration of our Videodrop streamlined the production process, reducing time and labor-intensive steps.”

The lab achieved significant success using the Myriade Videodrop for optimising lentiviral vector production. They proved the platform’s capability to enhance efficiency, ensuring quality, and accelerate advancements in gene therapy and vaccine development.

The integration of advanced nanoparticle analysis technologies like Videodrop is pivotal for driving breakthroughs in biopharmaceutical research and therapeutic applications.

Instruments to support analysis of viruses

Applications to support the analysis of viruses

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Nanoparticle Size, Concentration and Phenotype Analyser

  • Measurement range 50 nm – 10 µm
  • MRPS & simultaneous single-particle fluorescence
  • Counts & sizes individual sizes


Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 XR Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyser 21 CFR Part 11

Spectradynes latest, groundbreaking instrument. Accurate particle size, concentration and phenotype analysis

Fluorescence Microfluidic Resistive Pulse Sensing (F-MRPS, Spectradyne) was used to measure Vesi-Ref CD63 GFP (Vesiculab, UK) without modification and after staining with PE-anti-CD63. F-MRPS detects and measures the size and concentration of nanoparticles using MRPS, an electrical technique, while simultaneously measuring the fluorescence of each particle in up to 3 optical bands. Particle detection and fluorescent measurements are triggered using the MRPS signal, ensuring that each event represents a physical particle larger than the size limit of detection of the cartridge used (65 nm in this case). A one-time factory cross-calibration of the instrument to NIST-traceable MESF standard beads enables particle brightness to be reported by default in traceable units (ERF or MESF when appropriate).

The main figure shows particle concentration vs. size for all particles in the unstained sample (purple), all particles in the stained sample (blue), and subpopulations of the stained sample after gating GFP+ (green), CD63+ (yellow), and double-positive GFP+/CD63+ (red) populations. While the overall particle size distribution displays an approximate power-law dependence of concentration on size that extends to the lower size limit of detection for this cartridge, the fluorescent subpopulations each show the presence of a peak near 75 nm diameter. The 2D scatter plot (inset) shows the brightness of each particle in FITC and PE channels. Absolute concentration and relative abundance of particles are reported for each quadrant, the bounds of which are defined by the fluorescence limits of detection of each channel: 30 FITC ERF and 2.5 PE MESF.

  • Key Features

    • Gives particle size distribution and absolute concentration, as well as single-particle fluorescence
    • Particle sizes: 50 nm to 10 micron diameters
    • Concentration range: approx. 104 — 1012 particles/mL
    • Excitation Laser Wavelength: 488nm
    • Counts & sizes individual particles
    • High resolution size distributions
    • Max particle detection rate: approx. 10,000 particles/s
    • Can measure any material type (transparent & opaque, conducting & insulating)
    • Small bench top footprint
    • Instrument control interface: USB to Windows
  • Technical Specs


    Microfluidic resistive pulse sensing and simultaneous single-particle fluorescence. No optical index contrast or other resolution issues


    Disposable microfluidic cartridges with nanoscale features

    Particle size analysis range

    50 nm to 10 micron diameters

    Concentration range

    approx. 104 — 1012 particles/mL

    Excitation Laser Wavelength



    Bench-top instrument with external laptop or PC

    Instrument Dimensions:

    20″ wide × 20″ deep × 9″ high (500 mm wide × 500 mm deep × 155 mm high)

    Power Supply Dimensions:

    11.8″ wide x 15.6″ deep x 6.1″ high (300mm wide x 396mm deep x 155mm high)


    About 30 lbs (14 kg)


    110V & 60 Hz | 220V & 50 Hz

  • Applications

    EV’s and Exosomes

    Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles


    Protein Aggregation

    Industrial Nanoparticles


    Gene Therapy

  • Cartridges

    • Eliminates contamination and cleaning requirements
    • Sample volume required: 2-3 microliters
    • Sizing precision: < ±5%
    • On-board filtering: no sample pre-filtering required
    • Compact and easy-to-use cartridge design

    BioLector Microbioreactor

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Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles Application Note

Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles

Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles

Liposomes and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are very similar in basic physical structure. These are both used as drug delivery vehicles in the body. Traditional liposomes have a lipid bilayer surrounding an aqueous pocket, while LNPs typically only have a single phospholipid outer layer encapsulating the interior, which can be non-aqueous.

As carriers for drug products (DPs), these both provide distinct advantages in that the exterior layer protects the DP from external degradation, and the physiochemical properties of these particles can be optimized for better specificity in the location and rate of drug delivery. For example, techniques such as pegylation can be used with LNPs to boost stability and increase circulation time in order to deliver more efficiently to targeted sites within the body. There is tremendous growth in the use of liposomes and LNPs as delivery vehicles for highly specialized drug payloads, such as mRNA therapies: Both of the initial SARS-CoV-2 vaccines approved for use (BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna) use LNPs as delivery mechanisms for mRNA DPs.

Accurate Liposome and LNP quantification

One of the distinct advantages of using liposomes or LNPs is that both types of particles can be manufactured with very narrow, uniform particle size distributions. The actual size of the DP delivery envelope can be a critical part of the targeting mechanism for these drugs. Different size particles can target specific organs or tissue types, and, if small enough, can cross the blood-brain barrier to deliver directly to the brain.

This means that the ability to precisely measure particle size distributions for liposomes and LNPs is of critical importance. Spectradyne’s nCS1TM delivers higher-resolution measurement of particle size when compared to optical techniques like dynamic light scattering (DLS) and nanoparticle tracking. At the same time, it also delivers industry-leading concentration measurements, which are also critical because concentration correlates directly to dosage.

Spectradyne’s ARCTM combines the microfluidic resistive pulse sensing of the nCS1 with a particle-by-particle fluorescence detection, allowing phenotyping combined with particle size and concentration measurements. This allows the identification of liposomes through their particle-by=particle fluorescence characterization combined with size and concentration analysis.


In the plot above, you can see two LNP samples measured using Spectradyne’s nCS1 and also characterized using dynamic light scattering (DLS). DLS was unable to distinguish between the two formulations, which clearly have different mode sizes, and quite different overall distributions. The actual difference detected by Spectradyne’s nCS1 for mode size could affect the ability of the final DP to reach its intended target, so knowing this value exactly is critical for many applications.


In the second plot above, we are interested in the repeatability of the manufacturing process. The three samples represent three different production cycles for LNPs synthesized using identical recipes and process conditions. The data, taken using Spectradyne’s nCS1, show the three production replicates are very similar in particle size distribution and overall concentration. The DLS data is, by contrast, not usable, as the high bias of light scattering to larger-size particles totally misrepresents the actual sizes, and the high PDIs imply variability that doesn’t actually exist!

The lesson to learn from this: To get the most accurate particle size and concentration methods for your liposomal and LNP-based formulations, you need to use Spectradyne’s nCS1 MRPS system!

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Gene and Cell Therapy

Biological Information
Gene and Cell Therapy

Why particle characterisation is important in Gene and Cell Therapy

Characterisation is crucial for ensuring safety, efficacy, and consistency. It helps identify the genetic modifications, monitor cell health, and assess therapeutic potential. Precise characterisation ensures regulatory compliance, guides treatment development, and optimises patient outcomes by tailoring therapies to individual genetic profiles.

Cell Size

Cell size is crucial in gene and cell therapy as it influences cellular uptake, viability, and therapeutic efficacy. Accurate size measurement ensures optimal cell selection and enhances treatment outcomes.

Cell Counting

Cell counting is vital for ensuring accurate dosing, monitoring therapeutic progress, and maintaining quality control. Precise counts ensure treatment consistency and regulatory compliance.

Surface Plasmon Resonance

Surface plasmon resonance is crucial in gene and cell therapy for analyzing biomolecular interactions in real-time, aiding in the identification of binding affinities, kinetics, and specificity, thus enhancing therapeutic development and efficacy.

Case study

In gene regulation studies, understanding molecular interactions between DNA, RNA, proteins, and small molecules is critical. The P4SPR (Four-Channel Surface Plasmon Resonance) system proves invaluable in analyzing these interactions in real-time, offering precise data on binding kinetics and affinities. The objective was to utilise the P4SPR system to study the binding dynamics between transcription factors and regulatory DNA sequences, crucial for elucidating gene expression mechanisms.

The P4SPR system is a powerful tool for studying gene regulation by providing real-time insights into molecular interactions. Its ability to quantify binding affinities and kinetics aids in deciphering complex regulatory networks and designing targeted interventions in gene therapy and biotechnology. This case study underscores the P4SPR’s role in advancing our understanding of gene regulation mechanisms, offering potential applications in therapeutic development and personalized medicine.

Instruments to support Gene & Cell Therapy

Applications to support Gene & Cell Therapy

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Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes Applications Note

Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes

Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biological particles ranging in size from about 30 – 10,000 nanometers in diameter. Extracellular vesicles comprise diverse types of particles having a broad range of physical properties and biological origin, and include exosomes, ectosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, oncosomes, and apoptotic bodies.

Extracellular vesicles have roles associated with an equally broad set of biological processes, including immune response, transfer of functional proteins and nucleic acid, elimination of unwanted materials, nutrition, surface-receptor mediated cell signaling, and numerous conditions of disease including cancer metastasis. Because of their involvement in so many physiological processes, extracellular vesicles hold enormous potential as therapeutics and biomarkers of health and disease. In these applications, accurate quantification of extracellular vesicles is critical for performing well controlled science, as well as ensuring safety and efficacy of extracellular vesicle-based products.

Accurate quantification with MRPS and simultaneous single-particle fluorescence

Spectradyne’s Arc delivers single-particle fluorescence combined with MRPS measurements, yielding size and phenotype for each individual nanoparticle, providing unparalleled individualized characterization not available with any other instrument. The Arc is fast and easy to use, and requires only 3 microliters of your sample to help you do better EV science.

Subpopulation analysis with fluorescence

Almost all biological nanoparticle samples contain heterogeneous populations of many different particle types. ARC can measure the size and concentration of the entire distribution using MRPS, and simultaneously measure and display only those particles in the sample that are positive for fluorescence in up to 3 different channels.

EV's 3 ways

The example above shows that for an EV sample containing 1.26E+10 particles/ml overall, only 1.03E+09 particles/ml, or 8.1%, are tagged FITC- positive. In the same way, one can easily measure subpopulations in a virus sample, for instance.

Accurate quantification with microfluidic resistive pulse sensing (MRPS)

Spectradyne’s nCS1 delivers the most accurate concentration and size measurements of extracellular vesicles available in a practical bench top solution. The nCS1 is fast and easy to use, and requires only 3 microliters of your sample to help you do better EV science.

“The nCS1 is fast, accurate, and easy to use for routine EV quantification. We looked at other nanoparticle measurement solutions and the nCS1 is the only instrument that could measure the size of every nanoparticle of interest in as little as 3 uL of volume. Moreover, their customer service is superb and have went out of their way to ensure our nCS1 is always functioning well.”

-Joseph Sedlak, Co-Founder at Mercy BioAnalytics

Accurate concentrations yield better science

For measuring the biological activity of exosomes, characterizing vesicles of different biological origin and exploring vesicle biomarker applications, accurate concentration measurements are critical for performing well-controlled experiments.

The figure below shows a comparison of Spectradyne’s nCS1 to NTA and the gold standard, Cryo-TEM. The nCS1 measurements are in excellent agreement with those of TEM, and indicate that the exosome concentration increases to smaller particle size down to 50 nm. In contrast, NTA reports misleading results: A loss of counting efficiency is apparent for particles as large as 200 nm in diameter, leading to a 10,000-fold error by 65 nm. Critically, NTA reports a prominent peak in the exosome size distribution near 130 nm diameter that does not in fact exist. Read more about why this happens.

EV's 3 ways

More researchers are choosing Spectradyne’s instruments for extracellular vesicle quantification because these are fast and easy to use and deliver a more accurate analysis of their vesicles than they can obtain using any other method.

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Nanoparticle Size & Concentration

  • 50 nm to 10 μm in diameter
  • Only 3ul of sample required
  • Fast & easy to use, results in minutes


Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 XR Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyser 21 CFR Part 11

The Spectradyne nCS2TM and ARCTM are the only benchtop technology that provides high-resolution size distributions and accurate concentration measurements for particles in the 50 nm — 10 μm diameter size range. These instruments, using only electronic sensing, rapidly count and sizes individual nanoparticles in a sample, achieving few-percent precision in both size and concentration. Spectradyne’s nCS2TM and ARCTM deliver unprecedented capabilities for analysing nanoparticles of any type, yielding more accurate and representative results than any other method. These instruments thus provide an orthogonal technique to optically-based microparticle analysis instruments.

  • Key Features

    • Gives particle size distribution and absolute concentration
    • Particle sizes: 50 nm to 10 micron diameters
    • Concentration range: approx. 104 — 1012 particles/mL
    • Counts & sizes individual particles
    • High resolution size distributions
    • Max particle detection rate: approx. 10,000 particles/s
    • Can measure any material type (transparent & opaque, conducting & insulating)
    • Small bench top footprint
    • Instrument control interface: USB to Windows
  • Technology

    • Microfluidic resistive pulse sensing
    • Disposable microfluidic cartridges with nanoscale features
    • No optical index contrast or other resolution issues
  • Comparison

    The chart below shows a direct comparison of measurement of a polydisperse polystyrene nanoparticle sample containing 52nm, 94nm, 122nm, and 150nm particles on our nCS2TM instrument, Optical tracking, and DLS. As you can see, neither Optical Tracking nor DLS can resolve the mixture. Spectradyne’s technology accurately resolves each distribution and gives quantitative concentrations.

    BioLector Microbioreactor

  • Applications

    EV’s and Exosomes

    Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles


    Protein Aggregation


    Gene Therapy

    Industrial Nanoparticles

  • Cartridges

    • Eliminates contamination and cleaning requirements
    • Sample volume required: 2-3 microliters
    • Sizing precision: < ±5%
    • On-board filtering: no sample pre-filtering required
    • Compact and easy-to-use cartridge design

    BioLector Microbioreactor

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Industry Information
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Why particle characterisation is important in the pharmaceutical industry

Particle characterisation is vital to ensure product quality, efficacy, and safety. It enables precise control over particle size, shape, and distribution, influencing drug performance, stability, and bioavailability. Comprehensive characterisation supports formulation optimisation, process validation, and regulatory compliance, ensuring patient well-being.

Particle shape and light obscuration analysis in pharmaceutical manufacturing

Meritics offers comprehensive particle shape and light obscuration analysis solutions tailored for pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring precise characterisation of particles crucial for product quality and regulatory compliance.

Texture analysis 

Meritics provides advanced texture analysis solutions for pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring precise characterisation of drug formulations crucial for optimizing product performance and ensuring patient safety and efficacy.

Particle Analysis in Vaccine Manufacturing and Development

Particle size analysis in vaccine manufacturing and development ensures the quality, safety, and efficacy of vaccines by characterising particles, optimising formulations, and ensuring regulatory compliance for global public health.

Case study

As a leading pharmaceutical company dedicated to delivering high-quality medications, ensuring the purity and stability of our active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is of utmost importance to us.

We faced challenges in detecting and quantifying aggregation and agglomeration phenomena in our APIs, which could compromise their efficacy, safety, and stability.

To tackle these challenges, we sought guidance from specialists at Meritics, who suggested and provided a demonstration of the FlowCam LO. This instrument combines flow imaging microscopy and light obscuration analysis, enhancing our quality control procedures.

Instruments to support pharmaceutical manufacturing

Applications to support pharmaceutical manufacturing

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Therapeutics (Other) Application Note

Industrial and Biological
Other Therapeutics

Particle Characterisation in Biotherapeutics

Particle content is a critical quality attribute for many biologics that must be monitored to meet regulatory requirements like USP <788> and mitigate product safety risks.

Flow imaging microscopy is an established technique recommended by USP <1788> for subvisible and submicron particle analysis, revealing particle count, size, and shape, indicating their type and source.

Monitor the aggregation of adjuvants, nano-drug delivery systems, and other small particles to larger, potentially concerning, submicron and subvisible particles.

Use FlowCam to:

  • Detect aggregation and agglomeration of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and drug delivery vehicles to improve product stability
  • Obtain images and particle morphology information not obtainable from orthogonal techniques to assess product degradation
  • Differentiate between inherent particles, intrinsic particles like glass flakes and silicone oil droplets, and extrinsic contaminants
  • Optimize and control particulates in your formulation

FlowCam – A Flexible Particle Analysis Solution

Apply flow imaging microscopy techniques to therapeutics including aggregates of drug delivery systems like liposomes, exosomes, and gold nanoparticles, and vaccine components like virus-like particles and adjuvants.

FlowCam is ideally suited to analyze samples containing larger particles like CHO cells, cell cultures and associated particles like Dynabeads™ and Tentagel™ beads, and hydrogel spheres.

Obtain size and morphology information of these particles that is related to product quality issues such as cell viability, misshapen drug delivery vehicles, and the form of any aggregates present.

  • Improving vaccine formulations by monitoring API and adjuvant aggregation
  • Characterising large liposome, exosome, and other drug delivery platform morphology with an automated microscopy technique
  • Optimizing cell concentrations and viability during biotherapeutic manufacturing
  • Observing Dynabead binding and measuring unbound bead concentrations in cell culture applications
  • Product

  • Industry

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Protein Therapeutics Application Note

Protein Therapeutics

FlowCam for Protein Therapeutics Development and Manufacturing

Discover a high-throughput flow imaging microscopy platform for characterizing API aggregates and other particulates in your protein, monoclonal antibody, or antibody-drug conjugate formulation.

Monitor your formulation for protein aggregates, intrinsic particles including silicone oil, degraded polysorbate, and glass flakes, as well as extrinsic contaminants.

FlowCam provides quality assurance for your parenteral drug product to give you peace of mind about the stability and safety of your formulation.

Use FlowCam to:

  • Count and size protein aggregates as small as 300 nm with industry-leading image quality
  • Obtain complementary particle image data recommended by USP <1788> to verify orthogonal particle size measurements by light obscuration
  • Utilize image-based analytics including artificial intelligence tools to classify subvisible and submicron particles

FlowCam Provides Confidence in Protein Formulation Quality

Capture high-resolution images for the identification of particle type, allowing you to detect and mitigate undesirable and potentially harmful particle formation at the source.

Improve formulation design based on knowledge obtained by using FlowCam in accelerated protein stability studies.

  • Use FlowCam LO to obtain USP <787> compendial particle sizing information and images in a single instrument in quality control monitoring
  • Improve lab productivity and data reproducibility with ALH for FlowCam automated liquid handling.
  • Employ VisualAI™ to classify images of protein biotherapeutics automatically with higher than 90% accuracy
  • Product

  • Industry

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Advanced Materials Application Note

Advanced Materials

FlowCam for Advanced Materials Performance Testing

Effective particle analysis techniques are essential to quality control programs across a wide range of manufacturing industries.

FlowCam offers a complete solution for characterising particles, ensuring end-product quality and conformity with industry regulations.

Use FlowCam to:

Perform compliance testing in accordance with ISO and ASTM standards
Enhance quality assurance programs by monitoring particle uniformity and consistency throughout the production process
Determine filter performance by comparing image and concentration data pre and post-separation
Evaluate quality of raw materials as inputs into manufacturing processes


  • Perform compliance testing in accordance with ISO and ASTM standards
  • Enhance quality assurance programs by monitoring particle uniformity and consistency throughout the production process
  • Determine filter performance by comparing image and concentration data pre and post-separation
  • Evaluate quality of raw materials as inputs into manufacturing processes

Enhance Particle Analysis and Characterization with Digital Images

FlowCam is a comprehensive dynamic imaging analysis platform that provides an efficient method to confirm data obtained from other particle analysis techniques.

With real digital images, you can verify the size, shape, and identity of your particles.

  • Confirm size, shape, circularity and material uniformity of printer toner particles during and after production.
  • Evaluate size and shape uniformity of superabrasive particles such as micronized diamonds and cubic boron nitride (CBN).
  • Compare material properties across processing stages using parameters specifically designed to accurately measure fiber morphology.
  • Validate wash water cleanliness and visually confirm, quantify, and characterize each particle type.
  • Product

  • Industry

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Advanced Materials

Industry Information
Advanced Materials

Why particle characterisation is important in advanced materials industries

Particle characterisation is fundamental in the field of advanced materials, where precise control and understanding of properties contribute to the development of innovative materials. Meritics has a number of particle characterisation solutions for the industry.

Flow Imaging Microscopy

Flow imaging microscopy enables real-time visualisation and analysis of particle morphology, size distribution, and aggregation dynamics, facilitating precise control over material synthesis, formulation, and performance optimisation.

Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analysis

Particle size analysis in advanced materials ensures precise control over particle dimensions, aiding in tailoring material properties for specific applications such as nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and composite materials, enhancing performance and functionality.

Pore Size Analysis

Pore size analysis in advanced materials enables characterisation of pore structure and distribution, crucial for optimizing material properties like permeability, adsorption capacity, and mechanical strength in diverse applications.

Powder Flow Analysis

Powder flow analysis assesses flow properties crucial for manufacturing processes like compaction, granulation, and coating, ensuring consistency and efficiency in producing high-performance materials.

Surface Area Analysis

Meritics have a range of surface area analysers. Used in advanced materials to quantify available surface area, vital for optimising adsorption, catalysis, and reactivity in applications such as catalysts, batteries, and gas storage materials, enhancing performance and efficiency.

Case study

In a lithium-ion battery production facility, optimising electrode materials’ tapped density was paramount for enhancing battery performance. By employing tapped density measurements, our engineers fine-tuned electrode formulations to achieve optimal packing density, ensuring maximum electrolyte penetration and ion diffusion pathways.

We use the BeDensi T Pro Series. This improved battery capacity, cycle life, and overall efficiency. As a result, the batteries exhibited enhanced energy density and prolonged lifespan, meeting stringent performance requirements, therefore advancing sustainability and technological innovation.

Instruments to support advanced materials

Applications to support advanced materials

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Environmental Sector

Industry Information
Environmental Sector

Why particle characterisation is important in the environmental sector

Particle characterisation techniques commonly used in environmental sciences include laser diffraction for particle size analysis, flow imaging microscopy for soil sciences and pollen viability, surface area analysis analyse soil and dynamic light scattering for measuring particle size distribution in various samples such as soil, water, and air pollutants.

Laser diffraction particle size analysis in soils

Laser diffraction particle size analysis in soils accurately measures particle size distribution, providing essential data for soil classification, engineering evaluations, and environmental assessments in various soil-related applications.

Flow Imaging Microscopy 

Flow imaging microscopy can be used to assess pollen morphology, size, and integrity, enabling precise determination of pollen viability and fertility, vital for agricultural breeding and plant reproduction studies.

Using zeta potential in soil analysis

Zeta potential analysis in soils assesses the surface charge of soil particles, informing on soil aggregation, nutrient adsorption, and soil-water interactions crucial for soil fertility and management strategies.

Surface area measurements to support environmental studies

Surface area measurements quantify the available surface area of particles, aiding in understanding adsorption phenomena, pollutant interactions, and remediation strategies in various matrices.

Case study

Our client is dedicated to studying nanoparticle behaviour in natural ecosystems. Understanding the interactions between nanoparticles and environmental components is crucial for assessing potential risks and developing effective mitigation strategies.

They faced challenges in accurately characterising the surface charge of nanoparticles, which is essential for predicting their fate, transport, and ecological impacts. Conventional techniques lacked the sensitivity and resolution needed to study nanoparticles in complex environmental matrices.

The BeNano 180 Zeta Pro played a pivotal role in advancing their research efforts by providing precise and sensitive measurements of nanoparticle zeta potential. By better understanding nanoparticle interactions in natural ecosystems, they aim to promote environmental sustainability and protect ecological integrity.

Instruments to support the environmental sector

Applications to support the environmental sector

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Environmental Application Note

Environmental Research

FlowCam for Environmental Monitoring and Research

Flow Imaging Microscopy offers a new perspective on environmental particle analysis. With high-quality digital images, FlowCam provides insights into soil sciences, pollen viability studies, atmospheric particle studies, microplastics analysis, stormwater runoff, and environmental monitoring.

Additional applications include wastewater processing, aerosol analysis, sediment studies, and advanced material science analysis.

Use FlowCam to:

  • Optimise encapsulation processes by dynamically monitoring the capsule formation process over time
  • Evaluate pollen particles and pollen shell capsule integrity for seed and fruit health
  • Study aerosols and environmental pollutants
  • Determine presence of and monitor health and growth of soil microbes, mites, forest litter invertebrates, and nematodes

Explore FlowCam Applications for Agricultural Sciences

Ensure successful crop production and profitability by monitoring the health and vitality of inputs to your agricultural system and analyzing data to improve the quality of feed, soil drainage, crop yield, and fertilizer potency.

FlowCam provides real-time results and analyses – minimizing the resources you need to meet regulatory, ecological, economic, and social requirements of sustainable farm management.

  • Assess pollen viability using colorimetric data and customizable size and shape filter criteria
  • Evaluate agricultural system health by imaging, categorizing, and quantifying microbial communities in soils and livestock guts
  • Optimize milling and granulation operations by comparing particle images and morphologic features across process steps
  • Detect aggregation and inflated size distributions in fertilizers and soil amendments that may slow the rate of solubility
  • Product

  • Industry

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Food and Beverage Application Note

Food and Beverage

FlowCam Particle Analysis Simplifies Quality Control of Food & Beverage Products

Ingredients are critical in all facets of the food and beverage industry. Flow imaging microscopy allows you to isolate different particle types from a heterogeneous mixture in order to ensure quality and detect process flaws.

An efficient, high-throughput analysis tool, FlowCam can detect variations in particle size, morphology, and texture allowing for streamlined quality control.

Use FlowCam to:

  • Ensure uniformity within homogeneous mixtures while also checking for undesirable agglomerations and foreign contaminants
  • Distinguish between and quantify distinct particle types from heterogeneous mixtures to better understand ingredient composition
  • Compare properties between different raw material lots to detect process flaws and reduce product variability

Improve the Taste and Texture of Your Food and Beverage Products with FlowCam

Particle size distribution and shape impacts not only taste and texture but flavor, quality, and production efficiency.

FlowCam has been used in a variety of food and beverage applications for the following advantages:

  • Examine particle morphology and aggregation in relation to viscosity and texture differences between raw ingredient lots
  • Assess size and viability of microorganisms, including yeast and bacteria
  • Study proportion of different structural forms of fungi to create meat and dairy alternatives
  • Characterize size, shape, integrity, and concentration of pulp particles in their concentrate to deliver uniformity of texture and flavor in products
  • Optimize encapsulation process by dynamically monitoring capsule formation process over time
  • Compare images to monitor microencapsulation process for flavoring research and development
  • Product

  • Industry

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Biological Applications

Solutions for analysing plant cells

Cell analysis using cell counting and dynamic image analysis involves quantifying and monitoring cells in real time. This method evaluates cell size, morphology, and viability, aiding in understanding plant growth and health. Advanced imaging techniques provide detailed insights, facilitating research in plant physiology, genetics, and disease resistance.

Cell Counting

The Beckman Coulter Multisizer 4e uses electrical impedance to count and size cells, providing high-resolution data on cell volume and concentration, essential for precise analysis of cell cultures.

Dynamic Image Analysis

Dynamic image analysis of plant cells employs high-resolution imaging and software to monitor live cells, providing detailed insights into cell morphology, growth dynamics, and physiological responses in real time.

Analysis of Pollen

Analysing pollen involves examining its size, shape, and surface texture to identify species and track environmental changes. This process uses microscopy and various imaging techniques to capture detailed features, which helps in understanding pollen distribution, allergenicity, and ecological impacts. Accurate pollen analysis is essential for applications in agriculture, climate research, and allergy studies, offering insights into plant biodiversity and seasonal patterns. Advanced tools and methods enhance precision, aiding researchers and professionals in environmental and health-related fields.

Case study

A leading pharmaceutical company aimed to enhance the mass production of a high-value plant-derived metabolite used in several of its therapeutic products. Traditional methods faced challenges in scalability, consistency, and yield. The company integrated the Beckman Coulter BioLector XT Microbioreactor and Multisizer 4e to optimise and scale up production.

The pharmaceutical company successfully enhanced the mass production of a key plant-derived metabolite. They demonstrated significant yield improvements, better consistency, and scalability, highlighting the potential of these technologies to revolutionise plant cell culture-based production in the pharmaceutical industry.

Instruments to support the analysis of plants

Applications to support the analysis of plants

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Plant Cell Application Note

Plant Cells

Moniotoring Plant Cell Cultures with BioLector and Multisizer 4e Instruments

Cell cultures can be used to grow plant cells. Typically, this technique is performed in an aseptic and controlled environment with a variety of nutrient solutions.

Plant cell cultures have a wide range of applications from basic research (e.g., studies on plant growth and differentiation) to mass production of plant-derived metabolites (e.g. production of the anti-cancer agent paclitaxel). Therefore, they have become increasingly attractive and cost-effective alternatives to classical approaches for the mass production of plant-derived metabolites. However, it is crucial to monitor culture conditions to optimise the rate of cell prol
iferation and maximize productivity levels. Likewise, the cells must be characterised to
detect changes in the cell culture, such as the formation of cell aggregates or cellular lysis. This application note will demonstrate how the BioLector XT microbioreactor and the Multisizer 4e Coulter Counter can be used to optimise plant cell culture conditions and therefore cell growth.

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Biological Applications

Solutions for characterising bacteria

Characterising bacteria is essential for understanding their roles in ecosystems, diagnosing infections, and developing treatments. It helps identify beneficial strains for probiotics and industrial applications, and informs antibiotic resistance strategies. Accurate bacterial characterisation also aids in tracking disease outbreaks and ensures food and water safety.

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)

Dynamic Light Scattering characterises bacteria by measuring their size distribution and aggregation. It’s a non-invasive, rapid method, crucial for understanding bacterial behavior in various environments and applications.

Coulter Principle

The Coulter principle characterises bacteria by measuring changes in electrical resistance as they pass through a small aperture. This method accurately determines bacterial size and concentration in a sample.

Case study

In the biotechnology industry, Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a widely used bacterial strain for the production of recombinant proteins, plasmid DNA, and other bioproducts. Ensuring optimal growth and maintaining the quality of E. coli cultures is crucial for production efficiency.

The Beckman Coulter Multisizer 4e proved to be an essential tool for analyzing E. coli cultures in a biotechnology company. Its capability to provide precise and detailed measurements of cell size distribution and concentration ensured optimal fermentation conditions, leading to high-quality production of recombinant proteins and other bioproducts. The use of the Multisizer 4e improved process control, enhanced product consistency, and supported regulatory compliance, thereby contributing significantly to the efficiency and success of biotechnological manufacturing operations.

Instruments to support characterisation of bacteria

Applications to support characterisation of bacteria

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Probiotic Bacteria Application Note

Probiotic Bacteria

Anaerobic cultivation processes of probiotic bacteria in the BioLector XT microbioreactor

Probiotics are living bacteria that are said to have a health-promoting benefit and biofunctional effects on the human organism. They are commonly used to increase the number of desirable bacteria in the intestine and to regenerate the intestinal flora, for example after antibiotic treatments.

That is one reason why the market for probiotics or probiotic nutritional supplements has greatly increased in value. The research field of the human intestinal microbiome and its health-promoting benefits is particularly important for the nutrition industry. Therefore, scientific research on anaerobic or microaerophilic cultivation techniques, such as the cultivation of probiotics under microbiome-like conditions, is essential. Probiotics include a whole range of anaerobic bacteria such as Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. Among the various probiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp. is one of the most widely used and studied probiotic bacterium species. They are classified as strict anaerobes due to the incapability of oxygen respiration and growth under aerobic cultivation conditions an they are a major member of the dominant human gut microbiota.

They play a significant role in controlling the pH through the release of lactic and acetic acids, which restrict the growth of many potential pathogenic bacteria. In the intestinal tract of breast-fed infants, Bifidobacterium is the predominant cell species. It accounts for more than 80% of microorganisms in the intestine. There are more than 200 known species of Lactobacillus, the largest and most diverse genus within the lactic acid bacteria that is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Lactobacillus spp. have been deployed and studied extensively as fermentation starter cultures for dairy products or probiotics due to their applied health potential.

In this application note we present anaerobic cultivation experiments using the BioLector XT microbioreactor in combination with the gassing lid.

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BioLector XT

Beckman Coulter
BioLector XT


  • Multiple processe
  • Enhanced PIDS Technology
  • Real data down to 10nm


Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 XR Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyser 21 CFR Part 11

BioLector XT microbioreactor accelerates your bioprocess development

High-throughput microbioreactor enables real-time evaluation of biomass, fluorescence, pH, dissolved oxygen in the liquid phase (DO), and other key cultivation parameters for aerobes and anaerobes.

Building on trusted BioLector Pro technology, the BioLector XT microbioreactor is based on a standard ANSI/SLAS (SBS) microtiter plate (MTP) format, and operates with online, pre-calibrated optical sensors. Disposable 48 well MTPs enable online measurement of cultivation parameters, while patented microfluidic technology supports simultaneous pH control and feeding. The optional microfluidic module eliminates manual liquid handling—no tubing or pipetting required, as everything is part of the beta-radiated ready-to-use plate.

Meritics are proud to partner with Beckman Coulter Life Sciences by hosting the UK demonstration unit of the BioLector XT microbioreactor at our premises. Extensive experience within the UK biologics sector and highly rated application and laboratory personnel makes Meritics the ideal partner to showcase the BioLector XT microbioreactor and its real-world applications.

© 2023 Beckman Coulter, Inc. All rights reserved. Beckman Coulter, the stylized logo and the Beckman Coulter product and service marks mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Key Features

    Innovative New Gassing Head
    • Enables fed-batch experiments under anaerobic conditions
    • Gassing with O2 within a range of 1% – 100% and with CO2 within 1% – 12 %
    • Reduces gas consumption to a few mL/minute
    • Optional humidification of gases reduces evaporation
    Optional Microfluidic Module
    • Unleashes full potential of the BioLector XT
    • Complements online monitoring function with well-specific pH regulation/feeding
    • Enables use of 2 reservoir wells per 4 cultivation wells
    • Microvalves allot liquids at nanoliter-scale
    “Plug-and-play” Plate Design
    • Real-time kinetics out of 48/32 parallel cultivations
    • Customisable feeding strategies (batch, fed-batch, bolus, continuous)*
    • Control of pH on-the-plate with pre-calibrated optical sensors*
    • Small working volume (800 – 2400 μL)

    *Functionality requires optional microfluidic module

    Intelligent BioLection Software
    • Intuitive user interface supports multi-user environments
    • Free programming of all control parameters
    • Open system enables live data downloads
    • Fast processor ensures rapid download of experiment data
  • Technical Specs


    800 – 2400 µL

    pH Range

    pH 4 – 7.5 (depending on plate)

    Scattered Light Measurement

    Resolution > 50 NTU, at densities higher than 500 NTU: 10 % of measured value.


    522 mm(20.6 in)


    797 mm(31.4 in)


    520 mm(20.5 in)

    Temperature range

    10 – 50 °C (minimum temperature 8 °C below ambient temperature)

    DO Range

    0 – 100% oxygen saturation (100% corresponding to the DO level reached while gassing with 100% O2 without O2 consumption)


    365 nm–800 nm


    61 kg(134.5 lb)

  • Accessories

    Microfluidic Module

    The microfluidic (MF) module for the BioLector XT microbioreactor allows you to run up to 32 highly flexible, pH-controlled fed-batch cultivations in microscale during one cultivation experiment run.

    Anaerobic Clutivation

    The anaerobic module for the BioLector XT microbioreactor enables strict anaerobic fermentation processes combined with a controlled, low nitrogen gas flow rate.

    CO2 Up Regulation

    With the CO2 up-regulation module the microbioreactor continuously measures the CO2 level inside the chamber and automatically regulates the flow of CO2 into the chamber.

    LED Filter

    With the LED / filter module, the microbioreactor can measure additional fluorescences. An LED unit and two optical filter glasses are installed inside the BioLector microbioreactor.

    O2 Down Regulation

    With the O2 down-regulation module the microbioreactor continuously measures the oxygen level inside the chamber and automatically regulates the flow of nitrogen into the chamber.

    O2 Up Regulation

    With the O2 up-regulation module the microbioreactor continuously measures the oxygen level inside the chamber and automatically regulates the flow of oxygen into the chamber.

    There is more information on all the accessories on the Beckman Coulter website

  • Applications


    E. coli

    Probiotic Bacteria

    Plant Cells

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No worries, send us a sample and we will test it for you

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E. coli Application Note

E. coli

Monitoring E. coli Cultures with the BioLector and Multisizer 4e Instruments

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that lives in the lower intestine of warmblooded
animals, including humans

E. coli can be cultured easily and inexpensively in a laboratory setting
and has become an important model organism in genetics, microbiology and biotechnology. E. coli is
the most common organism used for the large-scale production of therapeutic proteins. Indeed, 30%
of approved therapeutic proteins are currently being produced using E. coli. This application note will
demonstrate how the BioLector microbioreactor and the Multisizer 4e Coulter Counter can be used to
optimize E. coli culture conditions and characterise cell growth

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Tissue Culture

Biological Applications
Tissue Culture

Why Tissue Culture analysis is important

Characterising tissue culture is crucial for ensuring the reproducibility and quality of biological research. It involves assessing cell morphology, growth rates, genetic stability, and contamination levels. Accurate characterisation ensures that cultured tissues maintain their intended properties, enabling reliable experimental outcomes and facilitating advancements in drug development, regenerative medicine, and biotechnology.

Coulter Counter method

The Coulter Counter method is a widely used technique for analysing tissue culture, providing precise and automated cell counting. It operates on the principle of electrical impedance, where cells suspended in an electrolyte pass through a small aperture, causing measurable changes in electrical resistance. This method allows for accurate determination of cell concentration, size distribution, and viability. It is particularly beneficial for monitoring cell growth and assessing culture health over time. The Coulter Counter method is efficient, reducing manual errors and increasing throughput, making it indispensable for large-scale tissue culture experiments and quality control in biomedical research and industrial applications.

Case study

A research laboratory based in the UK sought to optimise the culture conditions for yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to enhance growth rates and maximise yield for applications in biotechnology and fermentation processes. Precise characterisation of cell growth was crucial for achieving reproducible and high-quality results.

The UK-based research laboratory successfully utilised the Beckman Coulter Multisizer 4e to optimise yeast cell culture conditions and accurately characterise cell growth. This demonstrated significant improvements in biomass yield and culture reproducibility, highlighting the importance of precise cell analysis in biotechnological research and industrial applications. The insights gained from this study pave the way for more efficient and scalable yeast fermentation processes.

Instruments to analyse tissue culture

Applications for analysing tissue culture

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Protein Application Note

Particle Size and Count

Optimised procedures for running protein samples

Beckman Coulter’s Multisizer 4 provides analysts with an easy-to-use, technologically-advanced system that can solve most particle sizing and counting challenges. Implementing the Coulter Principle with Smart Technology, the Multisizer 4 ensures the repeatability and uniformity of sample analysis conditions and therefore produces reliable results.

Although the following procedures were developed to address common issues encountered when analysing subvisible particles in protein formulations, the general guidelines can also be used for applications requiring small aperture tubes. Specifically, the cleaning procedures are valuable when characterising very small particles at low concentrations.

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Beer Application Note

Particle Size and Count

Beer, evaluation of final product and filtration efficiency

The concentration and size distribution of particles in beer may be
measured using the Coulter Principle also known as the Electrical
Sensing Zone (ESZ) method. A suitable electrolyte solution is required
to perform the analysis.The sample is prepared by dissolving a certain
volume of beer in the electrolyte and then analysed using a Beckman
Coulter Multisizer 3 to determine the size distribution and concentration
for the particles present in the beer. The results are reported as
number of particles per milliliter for the desired size range.

The use of the Multisizer 3 provides a fast, easy, accurate and
automatic method to determine the particle content in beer. The use
of this instrument also provides reliable results not dependent on the
operator’s judgment making it possible to compare data from different
work shifts and/or breweries.


The determination of particle concentration in beers is
important for evaluating and/or correcting several steps
during the brewing process and finishing of the product.

■ Evaluation of the Final Product. Each kind of beer
has its own characteristics and distinctive flavor; these
properties will be influenced to some extent by the
content and size distribution of particles present in
the final product.The stability and therefore the shelf
life of beer are also affected by its particle content.

■ Evaluation of Chill Haze Effect. This is the most
common, and in some sense, the most important type
of beer hazesince it is relevant to many beer types.
As the name suggests, this haze appears when the
beer is suitably chilled; the haze disappears upon
warming. The temperatures at which the haze appears
and disappears depend on the physical stability of the
beer.The more stable the beer, the closer to 0 °C
before chill haze occurs.The haze involves complexes
of highmolecularweight proteins and polyphenols (tannins).
These compounds form weak, temperature sensitive
hydrogen bonds that are broken as the beer’s temperature
increases, allowing the resulting compounds
to form a complex with water molecules and go
into solution.

■ Filtration Efficiency. Brewers have been using
some type of filtration for centuries. If properly used,
it can serve as an effective nonadditive tool in beer
clarification. Filtration is used in conjunction with fining
agents to render beer brilliantly clear and stable
with respect to temperature changes.
In this paper we will refer to the evaluation of the
final product and filtration efficiency.

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Food and Beverage

Industrial Information
Food and beverage

Why particle characterisation is important in the food and beverage industry

Particle characterisation techniques aid food and beverage manufacturers in ensuring product quality and consistency. By assessing parameters like particle size, shape, and distribution, these techniques optimise formulations, enhance texture, and improve stability, contributing to better sensory attributes and prolonged shelf life of food and beverage products.

Using particle size analysis in food and beverage industries

Particle size analysis in food and beverage industries ensures product consistency and quality, optimising formulations for texture, stability, and sensory attributes, crucial for meeting consumer preferences and regulatory standards.

Shake things up with powder flow analysis

Powder flow analysers assist powdered shake manufacturers in optimising blending and packaging processes, ensuring uniform powder flow properties crucial for consistent product quality and manufacturing efficiency.

Particle shape analysers for beverage manufacturers

Flow imaging microscopy aids whiskey production by analysing suspended particles, ensuring clarity, quality, and consistency in the final product, essential for maintaining brand reputation and consumer satisfaction.

Texture analysers for food manufacturers

Texture analysers are employed in food production to assess product consistency, firmness, and chewiness, ensuring desired sensory attributes and quality across various food products for consumer satisfaction.

Case study

A customer came to us with two samples of the same children’s chocolate milk product taken on two separate days. Their quality control had identified that the two samples differed in colour and one did not taste as smooth on the tongue, it seemed almost gritty in texture.

We ran the samples on the LS13320XR with the ULM module to show the particle distributions. The quality department were able to use this data to understand the differences between the two samples and where in one case the product was perfect, the size distribution showed a smooth curve, just like you can imagine the product tasting. The other sample produced a similar distribution, with a small amount coarse particle size present as an additional peak.

We worked with the customers R&D group to optimise their homogenisation process and hence improve product control; this was then passed no to QC to help with their pass/fail criteria.

The customer was so impressed with the ease of which they were able to obtain this data they purchased an instrument and are now using it as a quality control checks, on a daily basis and by R&D when required, to ensure their product is conforming to their standards every day.

Instruments to support the food and beverage industry

Applications to support the food and beverage industry

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Yeast Application Note

Particle Size and Count

Monitoring Yeast Cultures with the BioLector and Multisizer 4e instruments

Yeasts are unicellular fungi that share cellular structures and processes that are highly conserved amongst eukaryotes (e.g., membrane-bound organelles, a cytoskeleton, nuclear DNA, secretory proteins and transcription mechanisms). In addition, they are relatively easy and cheap to culture under laboratory conditions, display rapid growth, can be easily genetically manipulated and are able to achieve most of the post-translational modifications required for a biologically active recombinant protein. These characteristics make yeast cultures a popular choice for basic research (e.g., studying the function of specific genes or proteins) and protein production for various applications (e.g., chemicals, fuels, food and pharmaceuticals). This application note will demonstrate how the BioLector XT microbioreactor and the Multisizer 4e Coulter Counter can be used to optimize yeast cell culture conditions and characterize cell growth.

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Nanocellulose Application Note

Particle Size Distribution

Grading of nanocellulose using a Centrifuge

Nanocellulose is a nanomaterial that is garnering attention recently, and it is obtained from cellulose or a cellulose derivative through wet-type high-pressure dispersion and pulverisation or wet-type grinding and pulverisation. We will introduce the results of particle size measurements made using a Laser diffraction / scattering method particle size distribution measurement apparatus LS 13 320 XR to measure nanocellulose that was obtained by performing wet-type high-pressure dispersion and pulverization on low-substituted hydroxy propylcellulose, which is one type of cellulose derivative, as well as the results for separation of only the component to be measured in the nanosize region through centrifugation.

A Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. L-HPC (low-substituted hydroxy propylcellulose) LODICEL LDC-H 2 wt% dispersion was passed through a Sugino Machine Ltd. Starburst test apparatus 10 times at a pressure of 150 MPa for use as the dispersion in the experiment.

The results obtained by measuring the nanoized dispersion using LS 13 320 XR are shown.

At the same time as the detection of the nanosize particles generated as a result of the nanoization processing, we also detected microsize particles that remained without undergoing nanoization.
These results indicate that, even after nanoization processing, many particles remaining at the microsize will be present.

By using LS 13 320 XR, it will be possible to perform a quantitative comparative study by simultaneously measuring micro and nanosize particles.

After using a high-speed refrigerated centrifuge (Avanti JXN-26) and a fixed angle rotor (JA-14.50) to centrifuge the material at 14,000 rpm (35,000 xg) for 1 hour, the supernatant was collected and the particle diameter was measured. As a result of
the centrifugation processing, it was possible to isolate and recover only the component consisting of the nanosize particles. The particles measured to be 188 nm prior to centrifugation were measured as 117 nm after centrifugation. This could be because, when there is polydispersion, the smaller particle diameter values will tend to approach the larger particle diameter values.

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Using PIDS Technology

Particle Size Analysis

The LS 13 320 XR particle size analyser uses advanced laser diffraction and PIDS technology for the sizing of non-spherical, sub-micron particles.

Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 XR Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyser 21 CFR Part 11

Initially, particle sizing by laser diffraction was limited to the use of the Fraunhofer diffraction theory. Laser diffraction offers a number of advantages – laser diffraction analyzsers go beyond simple diffraction effects. General approaches are now based on the Mie theory and the measurement of scattering intensity over a wide scattering angular range is employed.

Using PIDS Technology

Pioneered by Beckman Coulter, most laser diffraction manufacturers use the above two approaches, i.e., wide angular detecting range and short wavelength, to size small particles. However, sizing even smaller particles (tens of nanometers in diameter), cannot be achieved using only these two approaches. Any further increase in scattering angle will not yield any significant improvement due to the everslower angular variation. Figure 2 is a 3-D display that illustrates the very slow angular variation for small particles. For particles smaller than 200 nm, even by taking advantage of the above two approaches, it is still difficult to obtain an accurate size.

Then, two different routes were developed among instrument manufacturers. One is to extrapolate from the measured lower limit to an even lower limit, sometimes even beyond the theoretical lower sizing limit, e.g., 10 nm. Certainly this brings uncertainty or even completely wrong information in the extrapolated region. The other approach is to use the polarization effects of the scattered light.

Vertically polarized scattered light has different scattering patterns and fine structures from that of horizontally polarized light for small particles. The main characteristic of the horizontal scattering intensity (Ih) for small particles is that there is a minimum around 90 degrees. This minimum shifts to larger angles for larger particles. Thus, although both vertical scattering intensity (Iv) and (Ih) have only small contrast in the case of small particles, the difference between them can reveal a more distinguished fine structure, thereby making the sizing of small particles possible. Combining polarization effects with wavelength dependence at large angles, we can extend the lower sizing limit to as low as 10 nm, almost reaching the theoretical limit. This combined approach is known as the Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering (PIDS) technique patented by Beckman Coulter.

The origin of polarization effects can be understood in the following way. When a very tiny particle, much smaller than the light wavelength, is located in a light beam, the oscillating electric field of the light induces an oscillating dipole moment in the particle; i.e., the electrons in the atoms comprising the particle move back and forth relative to the stationary particle. The induced motion of the electrons will be in the direction of oscillation of the electric field, and therefore perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the light beam. As a result of the transverse nature of light, the oscillating dipole radiates light in all directions except in the direction of oscillation; if the detector is facing the direction of oscillation it will receive no scattering from single dipoles. When the light beam is polarized in either the v direction or the h direction, the scattering intensity Iv and Ih for a given angle will be different. The difference between Iv and Ih (Iv – Ih) is termed the PIDS signal. As particle size increases the intra-particle interference makes the particle’s behaviour deviate from that of a simple dipole and the scattering pattern will become more complex. For small particles the PIDS signal is roughly a quadratic curve centered at 90 degrees. For larger particles the pattern shifts to smaller angles and secondary peaks appear due to the scattering factor. Since the PIDS signal is dependent on particle size relative to light wavelength, valuable information about a particle size distribution can be obtained by measuring the PIDS signal at several wavelengths.

Figure 4 displays the shift in the peak value and the change in contrast for particles of various diameters are clearly shown. In addition, because the PIDS signal varies at different wavelengths (it becomes flatter at longer light wavelengths), measurement of the PIDS signals at several wavelengths will provide additional scattering information that can be used to further refine the size retrieval process.

From Figure 4, the angular patterns for 100 nm and even for 50 nm particles are recognizable, in addition to the shift in the axis of symmetry. It has been verified through both theoretical simulation and real experimentation that accurate sizing of particles smaller than approximately 200 nm by scattering intensity without the use of the PIDS technique is practically difficult and probably unrealistic. The combination of the three approaches (wider angular range, wavelength variation, and polarization effects) improves the accurate characterization of submicron particles using light scattering.

Figure 5 is a typical trimodal distribution retrieved in a laser diffraction experiment using the PIDS technique at multiple wavelengths (λo = 475, 613, 750 and 900 nm) and over a scattering angular range with angles up to 144 degrees, with (solid line) and without (dashed line) using the polarization effect. The dotted lines represent the nominal diameter values of the latexes in the mixture as reported by the PSL vendor. Without the PIDS technique the smallest component is missed, even when using the information gathered at large scattering angles and short wavelengths. Figure 6 is an SEM image of the sample in Figure 5 in which three different sizes of particles can be seen.

In summary, only using all three approaches, i.e., wide angular range, short wavelength and polarization effect, can particle size as small as 10 nm can be correctly measured, not extrapolated. There is no mixing of technologies. All signals are from the same scattering phenomenon and treated integrally in a single data retrieval process just like in an ordinary laser diffraction measurement.

  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.
  • Name of customer

    Morbi ornare magna nec tortor rutrum interdum. Donec interdum facilisis elit, et iaculis nunc facilisis vitae. Sed quis semper dolor, id efficitur ex.

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BeScan Lab

Bettersize BeScan Lab

Stability Analyser

  • Particle  range 0.01 to 1,000 μm
  • Non-destructive stability analysis
  • Quantification of destabilisations and study of kinetics


BeScan Lab Stability Analyser

BeScan Lab, the versatile, sensitive, and reliable stability analyser based on Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS) technology, is widely used in the formulation development and product quality control. It accommodates a wide range of sample concentrations up to 95% v/v and types such as emulsions, suspensions, and foams, with temperature scanning capabilities reaching up to 80 °C. BeScan Lab provides both qualitative analysis and quantification of destabilisation, helping you monitor long-term product stability and achieve optimal shelf life.

Features and Benefits

● Real stability analysis for dispersions with volume fraction up to 95%

● Particle size measurement range from 0.01 to 1,000 μm

● Non-destructive stability analysis: Non-contact, non-dilution, non-shearing

● 20 µm resolution data acquisition enables quicker sample stability observation than the naked eye

● Temperature control up to 80 °C to accelerate destabilisation

● Identification of various unstable phenomena: creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, coalescence, and phase separation

● Quantification of destabilisations and study of kinetics

  • Key Features

    What BeScan Lab Provides? 

    • lnstability index (lus)
    • Mean particle size
    • Hydrodynamic analysis
    • Radar chart for regional lus
    • Temperature trend testing
    • Particle migration rate

    Why You Need It? 

    From Raw Materials to Finish

    BeScan Lab plays a crucial role throughout the product lifecycle, supporting formulation, production, and pre-use stages. It enables formulation optimization, quality control during manufacturing, investigation into optimal transportation and storage conditions, and research on redispersibility

    1. Research and development

    Ensure excellent dispersibility and uniformity through raw material selection.

    2. Production and quality control

    Optimize production processes, including method, time, and temperature, to enhance efficiency.

    3. Storage and transportation

    Evaluate formulation stability under varying environmental conditions, observing destabilization, and predict shelf life.

    4. Pre-use treatment

    Study the reversibility of destabilization and compliance with usage standards.

    Features & Benefits

    Non-destructive stability analysis for various dispersions

    • Non-contact, non-dilution, non-shearing 
    • Sample volume fraction up to 95%
    • Particle size measurement range from 0.01 to 1,000 μm

    Fast and direct stability measurement

    • The high-performance LED and ultra-sensitive detectors, with a 20-micron scan step, allow real-time monitoring and capture of subtle variations 200 times faster than the naked eye
    • Temperature control up to 80 °C to accelerate destabilization

    Qualitative and quantitative stability results

    • Identification of various unstable phenomena, such as creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, coalescence, and phase separation
    • Quantification of destabilizations and study of kinetics


    Advanced Measurement Principle 

    Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS) is employed to characterize the stability of dispersions. Within BeScan Lab, a setup comprising two detectors and an LED light source ascends along the sample cell to conduct sample scanning. In the case of concentrated samples, the backward detector is employed to detect backscattered signals, while for diluted samples, the forward detector is utilized to detect transmitted signals.


    Versatile Applications 

    • Agrochemicals

    Evaluate the stability of pesticide formulations to predict shelf life and ensure the consistent performance of suspension systems.

    • Battery and Energy

    Test the stability of electrode materials and electrolytes, crucial for enhancing battery performance and lifespan.

    • Ceramics

    Analyze the stability of ceramic slurries and monitor the stability of glazes and pigments, ensuring reliable production processes.

    • Home and Personal Care

    Ensure product stability in cosmetics, lotions, creams, and other formulations for reliable performance.

    • Food and Beverage

    Test the stability of food products, from milk to sauces, and assess the dispersibility of food powders to maintain product quality.

    • Petrochemicals

    Monitor and ensure the stability of oil products, providing critical insights into the long-term performance of lubricants and the behavior of polymers in oil.

    • Pharmaceuticals

    Conduct stability testing for medicinal formulations, assess long-term drug stability, and analyze biomacromolecule aggregation to ensure product efficacy.

    • Paints, Coatings and Inks

    Measure the stability of coatings and inks, and evaluate the dispersion of pigments and dyes for uniform product quality.

  • Technology

    Static Multiple Light Scattering  

    Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS) is an optical technique used to directly characterize native concentrated liquid dispersions. This technique emits light into the sample, where it is scattered multiple times by particles or droplets before being detected.

    BeScan Lab applies SMLS using an 850 nm LED as light source, with detectors set at 0° for capturing transmitted light and at 135° for backscattered light. This setup scans the sample vertically, analyzing the transmitted light for transparent systems, while the backscattered light is ideal for opaque systems.

    The signals are collected at 20 μm intervals, which enables precise observation of changes in size (d) and concentration (Φ) of suspended materials.

    Signal display

    Customized scanning procedures allow presentation of scans with different colors corresponding to different scanning times. The overlap of scans demonstrates how signals diverge from the reference as they vary with height and time. Intuitively, the scans capture local changes that characterize unstable phenomena.


    The example illustrates that during sedimentation, the backscattered signals (dBS) undergo a distinctive pattern of change: a decrease at the top and an increase at the bottom, which is attributed to the migration of particles.


    • Versatile measurement

    No limitations on color or viscosity, and suitable for a wide range of samples from low to high concentrations (up to 95% v/v).

    • Non-destructive and in situ 

    Measures without preparation, thus preserving the sample’s original characteristics.

    • Wide particle size range

    Capable of measuring particles from 0.01 to 1,000 μm.

    • Applicable to various systems

    Suitable for emulsions, suspensions, foams, and other dispersions, providing robust and high-resolution measurements.


  • Software

    Dedicated Software 

    for Superior Qualitative and Quantitative Stability Outcomes

    Qualitative Analysis – Identification of Destabilisation

    BeScan Lab utilises near-infrared light and a precise 20-micrometer spatial resolution to detect early-stage destabilisation phenomena like phase separation, sedimentation, creaming and aggregation (flocculation, coalescence, and coagulation) well before they are visually observable.

    1. Flocculation often results in uniform changes in transmitted or backscattered signals across the entire sample height.

    • Common in wastewater treatment, electrode slurries, and drilling fluids.


    2. Phase separation typically involves evolving interfaces between phases over time.

    • Common in paints and coatings, cosmetics.


    3. Sedimentation causes a decrease in backscattered signals at the top and an increase at the bottom in opaque samples.

    • Common in slurries, pigments, pesticides, vaccines, and body lotions.


    4. Creaming in opaque samples enhances backscattered signals while lowering bottom signals.

    • Common in milk-based beverages, lipid emulsions, and pesticides.


    Quantitative Analysis – Instability Index for Rating Guide

    BeScan Lab provides the instability index (IUS), which quantifies the stability of dispersions. The calculation involves summing all signal variations across the entire sample height and over time, capturing all subtle variations within the sample. This facilitates sample comparison, as a greater instability index (IUS) indicates lower stability. An instability index is automatically calculated after every scan using the following formula:


    BeScan Lab offers instability indices over time to compare the stability of different samples. A slower increase in the instability index indicates higher dispersion stability, resulting in a flatter curve. Analysing the trend allows for predicting long-term stability.


    Time-dependent instability index

    1. Phase separation dynamics and mean particle size

    Hydrodynamic analysis reveals layer thickness and particle migration rate over time, thereby determining the hydrodynamic mean diameter.


    2. Optical analysis and mean particle size variation

    Particle size variation analysis is achievable with BeScan Lab, correlating transmitted and backscattered light signals.

    Optical analysis and mean particle size variation Particle size variation analysis is achievable with BeScan Lab, correlating transmitted and backscattered light signals.

    3. Temperature trend measurement

    Programmable temperature trend measurement up to 80°C, which explores stability under extreme conditions and accelerates destabilisation.


    4. Radar chart

    Global and regional instability indices for each scanning are illustrated in form of a radar chart, intuitively providing a way to investigate regional stability (top, middle, and bottom).


  • Specification

    Parameters Values
    Measurement principle SMLS (Static Multiple Light Scattering)
    Detection angle 0° transmission and 135° backscattering
    Light source 850 nm LED
    Scan step 20 μm
    Scan height 0 – 60 mm
    Number of samples 1
    Maximum volume fraction* 95%
    Measurement range of particle size 0.01 – 1000 μm
    Temperature range RT – 80 ℃ (±0.5 ℃ )
    Sample volume 4 – 25 mL
    Measurement mode Regular/Fixed point/Temp. trend
    Dimension 460(L) x 260(W) x 280(H) mm
    Weight 13.5 kg
    Power AC100 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz, 3.8 A
    ISO compliance

    ISO/TR 18811:2018, ISO/TR 13097:2013

    ISO/TR 21357:2022, ISO/TS 22107:2021

     * Sample and sample preparation dependent

  • Applications











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Performing Zeta Potential Measurements

Performing Zeta Potential Measurements

The electro-kinetic potential of colloids is known as its zeta potential. This is the difference in charge repulsion/attraction between mobile particles in a dispersion fluid, and the stationary layers of ions which have attached to the surfaces of insoluble nanoparticles dispersed throughout the medium.

Zeta potential measurement is performed by dispersing nanoparticles in a liquid medium of varying pH levels, and applying an electrical field throughout the colloid. Using dynamic light scattering (DLS) equipment, it is possible to observe the nanoparticle’s motion (velocity) and interaction with ions in the dispersive medium. Charged dispersion particles will form a series of layers on the surface of the nanoparticle, collectively known as the electrical double layer, which comprises an initial skin of charged ions and a secondary diffuse outer layer. As the nanoparticle moves through the dispersion, the particles attached in these layers exhibit different electrostatic properties to those particles forming the bulk of the dispersion fluid.

This electro-kinetic activity is significant in the characterization of product stability, providing insights into the formulations of emulsions and aiding product optimization through rapid and accurate assessments of additive success.

Applications for Zeta Potential Measurement

Zeta potential measurement is a significant particle analysis method in particle aggregation studies and the establishment and optimization of emulsion short and long-term physical stability.

Zeta potential measurement has shown that dispersions with a charge close to zero – whether exhibiting a positive or negative charge – tend to yield shorter shelf-lives, with an inclination towards coagulation or flocculation of emulsions. Conversely, emulsions with a surface activity greater than ~ +/- 30mV are inclined towards improved system stability and low aggregation.

Zeta potential measurement is therefore an important consideration for the accurate establishment and forecasting of product shelf lives, particularly as a screening method for the control of repeated batch consistency.

Particle analysis such as zeta potential measurement is increasingly important in the food and beverage sector, where mass-production and packaging of food and beverages for worldwide sales must meet stringent mandatory compliance criteria and performance standards. End products must consistently deliver on taste and texture, they must be reproduceable on large scales, and they must advertise accurate shelf lives for safe human consumption. Zeta potential measurement can not only provide accurate data towards shelf-life forecasting, it can aid in research of potential additives to improve zeta potential, thereby increasing product stability.

Zeta Potential Management Products from Meritics

Meritics are particle size and zeta potential measurement experts, providing services and instruments to academic and commercial sectors alike, where precise and consistent measurements are fundamental to achieving repeatable results for studies or for the manufacture of consumer products.

Meritics provide zeta potential measurement systems suitable for all levels of research, development, and manufacturing, allowing for rapid analysis of particle properties and characteristics. The Bettersize BeNano 180 Zeta Pro is a zeta potential and particle size analyser capable of simultaneous assessment of particle size and zeta potential in as little as one second, with instant results cross-checking. This accurate rapidity is crucial to the optimisation of high-quality, fast-moving consumer goods.

It is very important in measuring zeta potential that the time and level of current passing into the sample are minimised to avoid any possible damage to the sample, particularly biological materials. In the Bettersize BeNano 180 Zeta Pro from Meritics, both particle size and zeta potential are measured simultaneously, and in just a couple of seconds minimising any potential sample damage and also allowing measurements of aggregation to be made over short periods of time. To minimise the appearance of gas bubbles which can interfere with the zeta potential measurement.

If you would like any more information about our Zeta Potential measurement instruments, or any of our other products, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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